10 Week Living Brave and Rising Strong Men’s Group
Starting February 6th

Embrace a more modern masculinity while developing greater connection and fulfillment in your life and relationships.

Rising Strong is a community of like-minded men who are working to live a life that is authentic, meaningful and vibrant based on their truest values and beliefs. They believe that relationships matter, that showing up authentically can change the way you live, love, parent and lead.

For so many men, the desire is there for authentic connection, but they just don’t have the skills or tools to make that happen. They are caught in a bind where the “old rules” don’t apply, and they just haven’t been taught a “new way” of being in the world.

Men need each other now more than ever- and our institutions have failed them.

The rules are different now- They need some new guideposts to follow to become the partners, the parents, the friends and the leaders they were designed to be.

Over the course of 10 weeks, you’ll gain the skills to:

  • Develop the authentic connection you long for.
  • Communicate your deepest desires and feelings to the people you care about most, without fear of reprisal.
  • Get the tools to access and manage strong emotions and feelings and use them positively rather than getting hijacked by them.
  • Find a language to ask for what you need and want, and how to communicate in honest ways.
  • Discover ways to let go of the struggle for perfection and let go of the feeling of “just not good enough” and translate that into a desire for excellence and feelings of worthiness.
  • Break out of the “man box” of toxic masculinity so you can express your authentic self to the world

It’s based on the work of scholar and social scientist Brené Brown- who has spent her career studying authenticity, courage, vulnerability, and emotional resilience. And what she has discovered is that the most courageous and authentic among us actually have similar beliefs, habits and behaviors that can be emulated and learned- practiced if you will.

Find the path to your authentic life…

Join today for only $575 $525

The world has changed in so many ways. For men, their roles and expectations have gotten more complex and more demanding.

Men have so few role models for how to be a strong and yet emotionally available partner, parent, leader or just a trusted friend.

What I also know from my experience is that – while ALL of us long for deep and meaningful connection, it can be elusive for so many men. Here’s what I hear from the men I have worked with over the years….

  • “I want to feel close to those I care for but I often just don’t have the words to say so”.
  • “I have needs and longing too- but it somehow doesn’t feel like I have the right to express them”
  • “I just feel so alone in my struggles- like the responsibility is all on my shoulders”
  • “I just feel like the only emotion that is ok for me to express is anger”

For so many men, the desire is there for authentic connection, but they just don’t have the skills or tools to make that happen. They are caught in a bind where the “old rules” don’t apply, and they just haven’t been taught a “new way” of being in the world.

And that’s why I’ve developed this program just for men who want to find a powerful new way forward in their relationships, work, life, and with themselves.

Based on the work of Dr. Brene Brown- this group will support one another in practicing the skills for healthy, meaningful, and fulfilling relationships and lives through a structured 10 week process.

I know we live in a culture that is dominated by a toxic form of masculinity- government leaders who emulate it- an economic system that supports it and a culture that teaches it.

What I have learned from the many men I work with is that you feel constrained by the unwritten rules, beliefs and behaviors you’ve had to live by, and that in order to fit in you’ve had to:

  • suffer pain in silence
  • never express your needs
  • always win- never lose
  • show no emotion other than bravado or rage
  • never depend on anyone
  • and never do anything that could be construed as weakness

And if you don’t fit into the man box by playing by these rules- you have paid the price.

At the least, you have faced feeling invisible, alone and lonely…..and at the worst you have faced disrespect, bullying or even violence.

And what experience shows time and again is that this scramble for dominance and denial of real emotional needs comes at a great cost to all our relationships. This narrow set of rules has threatened to kill your ability to connect authentically to the people you love and care about.

AND it has inhibited your ability to find joy and satisfaction in life.

You might be tired of feeling alone in your struggle to “get it right.”

You’d like to be able to risk enough to make a mistake and go after that big dream, without the fear of failure that inhibits it.

And that’s what this program is all about – learning a new healthy way to show up in this world.

Here’s what the men in the group are saying:

“I’ve never been in a group that was so safe and affirming- everyone just accepts each other wherever they are coming from.”

“It’s the first time I have felt free enough to share some of my hurts and some of my fears- and it just helped ease the pain.”

“We encourage each other, we laugh with each other and even cry with each other, and it all just feels so real”

Join Today for Only $575 $525 for the Entire 10 Week Program

Led Weekly by Cynthia Benge MSW, LMHC and Edan Zebooloon LMHC

This group starts February 6th with our first Thursday session!

What You’ll Get in this Program

Program Logistics:

We’ll meet every Thursday at noon PST via Zoom. from February 6th to April 8th.

Each week you will receive content via our course portal where you will find a Video- based on the work of Dr. Brené Brown and her research into how to find your own authentic truth, as well as how to step into loss, disappointment and rise strong with courage so you can use those experiences for growth and future expansion. In addition we will post “questions to ponder” so you can apply the concepts each week to your particular journey.

Then the magic happens when we meet each week with other men who are on this journey towards “whole-heartedness” with you. When men gather in a group and begin to share authentically from the heart transformation is sure to follow.

Program Content:

Together we will explore the ways that toxic masculinity has caused men to shut down their emotions and required them to fit into a constricted “man box” where they can’t explore their authentic truths.

  • We’ll learn techniques for connecting to your authentic dreams, desires and longings and help you use those to guide you to a meaningful and fulfilling life.
  • We’ll help you understand your triggers and emotional patterns so you can communicate your needs and longings in more effective ways with those you care for.
  • We’ll help you process past griefs and losses so you can move forward free from the pain of childhood or past relationships
  • We’ll learn a process for forgiveness and relationship repair so you can engage in your intimate relationships without conflict or distress
  • We will help you develop a plan for moving forward into your future based on your truest values, beliefs and longings.

We hope you will join us on this fulfilling journey toward “whole=hearted” living. A better future awaits!

Don’t miss out! Join today.

The tools and guidance to help you…

Be confident in your vulnerability...

Cultivate the ability to show up and be seen. Vulnerability is at the core of difficult emotions like fear, grief and disappointment, but it’s also the birthplace of love, belonging, innovation, and creativity – the experiences that bring purpose and meaning to our lives.

Live bravely in the face of fear and failure...

Being willing to fail by knowing you can rise back up. Learn to turn toward the truth of our struggle and look it in the eye with self compassion and curiosity. When we deny our stories, they define us. When we run from struggle, we are never free.

Move from scarcity to abundance...

Become more daring by letting go of fear. People are tired of being afraid. The scarcity culture created by allowing fear and blame to run roughshod over our lives, communities, and organizations can only be transformed by individual acts of daring.

Choose courage over comfort or doubt...

We are all called to be brave. Answering that call means choosing courage over comfort, choosing what’s right over what’s easy, practicing our values rather than professing them, and leaning into our vulnerability.