Reactive vs Responsive Communication Heart Talk Communication Series
The manner in which we speak to one another matters a great deal. We communicate daily with everyone we come into contact with—our values and beliefs—our influence on others, our children, our partners, our loved ones, and our communities are all affected by how we speak to one another.
Nonviolent Communication Heart Talk Communication Series
With Nonviolent Communication (NVC) we learn to hear our own deeper needs and those of others. Through its emphasis on deep listening—to ourselves as well as others—NVC helps us discover the depth of our own compassion.
Good Communication Starts with Self Awareness Healthy Communication
The manner in which we speak to one another matters a great deal. We communicate daily with everyone we come into contact with—our values and beliefs—our influence on others, our children, our partners, our loved ones, and our communities are all affected by how we speak to one another.
Communication 101 from the Heart Heart Talk Communication Series
Healthy communication is at the heart of healthy relationships. We all share the same, basic human needs, and most behaviors are strategies to meet one or more of those needs. To be seen and heard and understood is essential to our well being.
Living Brave the Daring Way for Men — April 4-5th in Seattle
How do we teach healthy masculinity? The kind where men don’t have to fit in a box labeled “masculine” that limits their choices and emotional expression?
May Day! May Day!
MAY DAY! MAY DAY! I have 2 spots left for my upcoming Whidbey Island Rising Strong Retreat—and one of them has your name on it! Just because it’s spring and my favorite season, and just because I have 2 spots left for my retreat… I’m gong to extend the early bird...
Hello Spring!
It’s my favorite time of year—a time for new beginnings, for starting over, and for busting out new potentials. The flowers know it, the trees show it, the air is fresh with the scent of movement and change.
I have lots of spring rituals that rev me up and move me forward and charge me into setting some new goals and intentions. They include the usual: a spring detox cleanse, a closet purge, and of course there’s the garden that needs planning and digging and planting. I always try a new exercise routine as well—just to keep my body guessing. And I set a goal to learn something new—this year it’s Mah Jong. An antique set was on my Christmas list and I can’t wait to set it up and try it out.
6 Steps to Self-Love this Valentine’s
Valentine’s Day is upon us and for many people this holiday, so filled with loving intentions, can actually fill many of us with a sense of dread. It might be the fact that you don’t have a sweetheart at the moment, or that you have longings or expectations that are never quite met.
If you’re in a “holiday funk” this Valentine’s Day I invite you to shake things up a bit and create a Do It Yourself Love Fest.
Grateful for the Transformative Journey and Invite You to Join Me
As we close out this holiday focused on gratitude I am keenly aware that one of the things I am most grateful for in my life is the incredible gift I have through my work to witness amazing transformation in the lives of real people day after day.
It is possible to live freely and whole-heartedly ~ with joy, a sense of deep connection, and meaningful purpose. I know that from my own lived experience. And those who decide to walk this path with me are forever changed.
After a 20 year phobia of flying… I flew to Paris!
Do you know what it feels like to struggle with something really hard for what seems like an eternity? Have you given up on something because the battle seemed like... "If it is this hard, something must be wrong about it." I’ve been there. I know what that feels...