After a 20 year phobia of flying… I flew to Paris!

Do you know what it feels like to struggle with something really hard for what seems like an eternity?

Have you given up on something because the battle seemed like… “If it is this hard, something must be wrong about it.”

I’ve been there.

I know what that feels like. I’ve had a 20 year long struggle with a flying phobia, and there were many times I wanted to give up on that struggle…..

But I’m so glad I didn’t because this year I conquered it.

I let it go.

I flew to Paris – that’s Paris, France. An 8 hour flight, and it was MAGIC. No anxiety. No panic attacks. No shaking in my boots.

And a two week adventure that was a dream come true.

Did it happen in an instant with a magical cure?

Did Someone wave a wand, pray for me, give me a mantra, a blood test, a new diet, a tapping technique, read my chart and my chakras and take my trauma history, hypnotize me and instantly it was gone?

Nope. (though each of those things helped a little)

Did it take a lot of work and digging deep and healing some trauma, and using a number of skills and getting clear about my story, and developing a tribe of loving people around me, and a faith in a higher power?


Would I give up all I learned on the way to that magical adventure?


Would I like to have given up all the negative self-talk and shame and blame and the ways I tried to numb that anxiety and all the comparison and angst and everything I missed along the way?


But what a thrill to finally arrive at that place of knowing that deep down inside I am enough.

I can ask for what I need and people will be there for me. I can soothe myself when I need to, and I am just where I need to be.

Every step along the way taught me something about myself and my capabilities:

  • About how to stand in my vulnerabilities and learn from them.
  • About how to trust my inner mentor and speak my truth.
  • About how to live authentically from what my core values and beliefs are.

And I wouldn’t trade those lessons for a trip anywhere in the world.

I’d love to share some of what I learned with you…….that’s my gift:

That I get to share my story and my life lessons with others.

All that pain is turned into gold when that happens for me.

I hope you’ll join me for this amazing weekend where we get to stand in our own story and learn from it.

Where we can dig deep and mine the golden nuggets there in the mud. Where we can learn some tools and techniques to help along the journey and where we can write some new exciting endings.

It’s happening soon – Sept 21st-23rd at Willow Pond Lodge on beautiful Whidbey Island.

Click here for the details »

I hope to see you there

Meet Cynthia Benge

A therapist for over 20 years, I guide people from their own “stuck” places to a life full of adventure, meaning and satisfying relationships.

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