Reactive vs Responsive Communication  Heart Talk Communication Series

Welcome back to my blog series on responsive communication. I call it CPR: Conscious Purposeful Responding, and it helps in any conflict situation

Reactive communication involves blaming, judging, bullying or controlling, manipulating, coercing, making assumptions, name calling, criticizing, discriminating, using “right and wrong” language, and using defensiveness.

Responsive communication on the other hand involves, speaking for self- using “I” language, respectful tone and manner, listening for the intent to understand rather than change someone’s mind, making specific requests rather than demands, stating facts and observations in a neutral and honest manner, respecting differences, sharing authentically.

The manner in which we speak to one another matters a great deal. We communicate daily with everyone we come into contact with—our values and beliefs—our influence on others, our children, our partners, our loved ones, and our communities are all affected by how we speak to one another.

From being self aware to practicing nonviolent and responsive communication, let’s all make a better effort to do so from the heart: with honesty, clarity and positive intentions. If we do, the world will certainly become a better place to live. It is one small act that will have a profound influence on you and those you love. And care for.

I’ll be listening for you!

Meet Cynthia Benge

A therapist for over 20 years, I guide people from their own “stuck” places to a life full of adventure, meaning and satisfying relationships.

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