It’s my favorite time of year—a time for new beginnings, for starting over, and for busting out new potentials. The flowers know it, the trees show it, the air is fresh with the scent of movement and change.
I have lots of spring rituals that rev me up and move me forward and charge me into setting some new goals and intentions. They include the usual: a spring detox cleanse, a closet purge, and of course there’s the garden that needs planning and digging and planting. I always try a new exercise routine as well—just to keep my body guessing. And I set a goal to learn something new—this year it’s Mah Jong. An antique set was on my Christmas list and I can’t wait to set it up and try it out.
And of course, there is a bit of soul-searching that goes along with new beginnings—I try to stretch my soul-growing practices as well. I’ve signed up for a breathing practice class. My ayurvedic medicine practitioner told me I hold my breath and it congests and contracts my energy source. Not good for working on expanding consciousness.

What’s on your list of dreams that needs a new beginning? Is there a way you are longing to show up in your relationships or at work but you just don’t quite know how? Is there a path you’ve been longing to take or a change you’ve been wanting to make but you’re too scared to take the first steps? Are you stuck in the same old patterns of self-doubt or self-criticism and you want to break the cycle?
It’s time to get on board—the change you can feel train.
Join me in one of my new programs for Spring and let’s get you moving ahead towards the life you were meant to live.
My favorite spa for the soul program is coming up soon:
We’ll gather with an amazing group of soul-sisters to learn from each other and from Dr. Brené Brown about how to Rise Strong and Live Brave.
Together we’ll explore:
- How to live authentically from the heart and your deepest core values.
- How to lean into vulnerability & the find the courage to speak your truth
- Practices and tools to help you let go of the inner critic and self-sabotaging beliefs that hold you back
- How to live with boundaries asking for what you need and want in a clear and positive way
- Practices for Self-Compassion and Gratitude that are crucial to making changes
- A step by step method for Rising Strong after failure, disappointment or loss
Click HERE for more information and to register.
And Guys, here’s a new one just for you:
It’s a safe and respectful gathering of a small group of like-minded men, just like you, who want to learn to be better at identifying their needs and wants and communicating those needs to the people most important to them.
It’s a psycho-educational program that will expose you to the work of Dr. Brene Brown and other’s on the subject of the male psyche and the cultural myths and stereotypes that have caused you to feel less connected and alone.
Together we’ll explore:
- How to better communicate your deepest desires and feelings to the people who are most important to you in your world.
- How to let go of the struggle for perfection and let go of the feeling of “just not being able to get it right” and translate that into a desire for excellence and feelings of worthiness.
- Healthy ways to manage strong emotions and feelings and use them for information and indicators of your needs, rather than getting hijacked by them.
- Tools to help you let go of the inner critic that keeps you stuck in old patterns of behavior
- And finally, we’ll learn to Rise Strong after struggle, disappointment and loss and use the knowledge you’ve gained to help you find a resilient new beginning.
My colleague Joseph Losi, MA,LMFT, Certified Emotion-Focused Therapist and Mankind Project Director, will join us to teach and support and share his story with all of you. Joseph has spent the last decade working with men and women toward more empowered views of themselves and their partners, and helping them create more loving and fulfilled relationships in his psychotherapy practice. In addition he has fifteen years of experience working with the Mankind Project, a global men’s movement dedicated to male emotional intelligence.
Click HERE for more information and to register.
Our Dreams are achievable. No matter what our age or condition. No matter what came before, no matter our current restrictions. There are still untapped possibilities that lie dormant in each and every one of us.
Join me as we uncover those unrealized potentials and let’s be the change we want to see in the world!
As we close out this holiday focused on gratitude I am keenly aware that one of the things I am most grateful for in my life is the incredible gift I have through my work to witness amazing transformation in the lives of real people day after day.
It is possible to live freely and whole-heartedly ~ with joy, a sense of deep connection, and meaningful purpose. I know that from my own lived experience. And those who decide to walk this path with me are forever changed.
Here’s what some of those who have walked the path of transformation with me have to say:
What a thrill to finally arrive at that place of knowing that deep down inside I am enough- I can ask for what I need and people will be there for me. I can soothe myself when I get triggered and find my way home
Every step along the way taught me something about myself and my capabilities- about how to stand in my vulnerabilities and learn from them. About how to trust my inner mentor and speak my truth and live authentically from what my core values and beliefs are. I wouldn’t trade those lessons for anything in the world.
As women we work so hard to tend to others and rarely take the time to consider our needs, or desires or our dreams. This workshop gave me the time to explore my core issues, the beliefs that are holding me back, and to connect with my inner wise mentor the one who knows how to help me move forward on a more positive path.
I came away with a plan for self -care that will encompass my physical, emotional and spiritual health.
I invite you to take this Journey to Wholeness with me……… I have two opportunities for you to explore the best of what I have learned about finding your truest path into an abundant, rich and meaningful life.
LIVING BRAVE Weekend Retreat
Whidbey Island February 1st-3rd
I’m so excited about this new workshop I have created which combines the” best of the best” of what I have learned from my incredible mentors and teachers.
From Dr. Brene Brown, we will learn how to access our core values to counter the negative shame based paradigms and fears that hold us back
From Tara Mohr– author of Playing Big – we will learn to quiet the inner critic and access our wise inner mentor to guide us in finding our true path
From Tara Brach we will experience the peace and contentment that comes from developing a deep meditative practice and a mindful approach to life
From Kristen Neff we will learn self- care practices that will nourish and heal
And last but not least from Sherrod and Phyllis Miller– we will learn a tool called the Awareness Wheel that will transform those difficult conversations into meaningful connections.
Join me and an intimate group of like minded soul mates on beautiful Whidbey Island to begin your journey. Your ticket includes dorm style lodging, healthy organic meals, and our own private yoga instructor! Don’t miss this brand new island retreat!
Learn More About Living Brave
Register Now
RISING STRONG Weekend Retreat
Whidbey Island – March 29th-31st
It not always an easy path- this journey within. To get to your deepest truth sometimes means walking through your pain. But what you find on the other side is your power – your inspiration – your truest potential.
Rising Strong is based on the work of Dr. Brené Brown in how to develop resiliency after a loss or disappointment, a failure or a trauma, or just the old paradigms you are ready to let go of. Sometimes we need to make sense of our past before we can move forward into our future.
This research based process shows us step by step how to rumble with our past and transform it into nuggets of golden opportunity and growth. How to write a new ending to our stories of loss or grief or disappointment.
How to let go of our fears and to LIVE BIG – with Boundaries, Integrity and Generosity – so we can live a Whole-Hearted life full of joy and adventure, realizing our true potential.
Each time I experience the transformative work in Rising Strong- I learn something new about myself and how to move forward in my life, and I’m excited to share this life changing process with you. In the beauty of the island, participants find restoration, healing and a new path forward. Your ticket includes dorm style lodging, healthy organic meals, and our own private yoga instruction!
Learn More About Rising Strong
Register Now
Do you know what it feels like to struggle with something really hard for what seems like an eternity?
Have you given up on something because the battle seemed like… “If it is this hard, something must be wrong about it.”
I’ve been there.
I know what that feels like. I’ve had a 20 year long struggle with a flying phobia, and there were many times I wanted to give up on that struggle…..
But I’m so glad I didn’t because this year I conquered it.
I let it go.
I flew to Paris – that’s Paris, France. An 8 hour flight, and it was MAGIC. No anxiety. No panic attacks. No shaking in my boots.

And a two week adventure that was a dream come true.
Did it happen in an instant with a magical cure?
Did Someone wave a wand, pray for me, give me a mantra, a blood test, a new diet, a tapping technique, read my chart and my chakras and take my trauma history, hypnotize me and instantly it was gone?
Nope. (though each of those things helped a little)
Did it take a lot of work and digging deep and healing some trauma, and using a number of skills and getting clear about my story, and developing a tribe of loving people around me, and a faith in a higher power?
Would I give up all I learned on the way to that magical adventure?
Would I like to have given up all the negative self-talk and shame and blame and the ways I tried to numb that anxiety and all the comparison and angst and everything I missed along the way?
But what a thrill to finally arrive at that place of knowing that deep down inside I am enough.
I can ask for what I need and people will be there for me. I can soothe myself when I need to, and I am just where I need to be.
Every step along the way taught me something about myself and my capabilities:
- About how to stand in my vulnerabilities and learn from them.
- About how to trust my inner mentor and speak my truth.
- About how to live authentically from what my core values and beliefs are.
And I wouldn’t trade those lessons for a trip anywhere in the world.
I’d love to share some of what I learned with you…….that’s my gift:
That I get to share my story and my life lessons with others.
All that pain is turned into gold when that happens for me.
I hope you’ll join me for this amazing weekend where we get to stand in our own story and learn from it.
Where we can dig deep and mine the golden nuggets there in the mud. Where we can learn some tools and techniques to help along the journey and where we can write some new exciting endings.
It’s happening soon – Sept 21st-23rd at Willow Pond Lodge on beautiful Whidbey Island.
Click here for the details »
I hope to see you there
According to social scientist Dr. Brené Brown:
“Walking into our stories is the bravest thing we will ever do”
But also the most productive vehicle for learning who we are and what we believe in.
“Rumbling with our stories….leads us to a deeper understanding of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors and gives birth to key learnings about our values and our capabilities. It’s where whole-heartedness is cultivated and change begins.”
Taking an honest appraisal begins with cultivating an attitude of curiosity- about the “facts in the story- the assumptions we are making, and checking out and challenging the stories we are telling ourselves. Stories about:
- Who we are
- What others think of us
- What our capabilities and worthiness entitles us to do and be.
(Hint- It’s so much more than we are allowing ourselves to experience.)
It continues with an ability to give the “others” in our world the benefit of the doubt while drawing clear and specific boundaries with them.
It involves a process of letting go of unrealistic expectations of others and being willing to communicate our needs and wants without blame or judgment.
And finally it requires the self-compassion to realize our common humanity- we all make mistakes, we’re all afraid underneath and yet we all have so much more to offer the world.
If the idea of spending a weekend with a group of soul-sisters exploring where you might be stuck, where you want to go and what your true heart desires appeals to you – I hope you’ll join me for my upcoming Rising Strong Island Retreat, September 21-23rd on Whidbey Island.
In this Weekend Workshop we’ll explore the tools to help you
- Identify the barriers that are holding you back from realizing your dreams
- Let go of self-doubt and criticism
- Tap into your most authentic self and practice speaking your truth to yourself and in all your relationships
- Quit offloading hurt and start moving forward setting clear boundaries with others
- Learn to “ask for what you want” in a loving and non-confrontational manner
It has been nothing short of awe inspiring to watch as I’ve shared this method with my clients in individual sessions and in the Living Brave Workshops.
To see how each person has applied these methods to their own struggles and to watch as they have become transformed
- Healing relationships
- Gaining self-confidence
- Making tough decisions
- Drawing healthy boundaries
- Defining clear values which guide their road ahead
I would love to share this work with you. Please join me for my upcoming Rising Strong Island Retreat.
Click here for more details »
Here’s what others are saying…
“This experience was like a spa for the soul- I gained so much clarity-wisdom and inspiration it cleansed my spirit and opened my path”
“Cynthia’s warm and compassionate presence helped all of us feel safe enough to explore our vulnerabilities and cultivate our possibilities with each other which is where the magic happened for me”
“The combination of hearing Brené’s tapes and then having a chance to complete the exercises and share with others was a perfect way to access and then process the wealth of information contained in the workshop”
“Just taking a weekend away from kids and work and responsibilities to focus on my self and my process was a huge gift!”
“Cynthia has such an incredible presence and ability to respond to each persons story with so much wisdom and tenderness- picking out the golden nuggets in each person for them to take home”
And early bird special pricing until August 15th to save another $100!
Click here for more information and to sign up »
Are you ready to get focused and design your best year yet?

It seems everywhere I turn, people are sharing with me how they want to embrace life more whole-heartedly, more courageously, and expressing a strong desire to be more connected with an authentic tribe they can explore this process with.
Every day someone asks me:
“How I can make whole hearted living an integral part of my regular, busy, daily life?”
So in the spirit of the holidays, the best gift I could think of to give you is to take you on a FREE 17 day journey to unwrap the 10 Guideposts to Whole-Hearted Living and show you the HOW of embracing life whole-heartedly.
- Appreciate every drop of the real you
- Live your life from a place of worthiness instead of shame, fear, and never feeling enough
- Connect deeply and vulnerably with the ones who really matter… and finally be seen for the real you
- Embrace your inner fear and your inner courage in life’s thrilling and sometimes terrifying moments
Make 2017 your best year ever.
Are you ready to get focused and design your best year yet?
It seems everywhere I turn, people are sharing with me how they want to embrace life more whole-heartedly, more courageously, and expressing a strong desire to be more connected with an authentic tribe they can explore this process with.
Every day someone asks me:
So in the spirit of the holidays, the best gift I could think of to give you is to take you on a FREE 17 day journey to unwrap the 10 Guideposts to Whole-Hearted Living and show you the HOW of embracing life whole-heartedly.
- Appreciate every drop of the real you
- Live your life from a place of worthiness instead of shame, fear, and never feeling enough
- Connect deeply and vulnerably with the ones who really matter… and finally be seen for the real you
- Embrace your inner fear and your inner courage in life’s thrilling and sometimes terrifying moments
Make 2017 your best year ever.
If cultivating a life filled with more happiness, connection, and courage is on your to do list in 2017, then join me as we walk through each step of The 10 Guideposts for Whole-Hearted Living, based on Dr Brené Brown’s life-altering work.
Count me in for my best year ever!
I’ll give you strategies to work with letting go of your inner critic, tools for how to develop resilience, and the power to embrace your own worthiness. And when you have those resources in your backpack, you will find the courage to keep rising back up in the face of disappointment, frustration, loss or heartache.
Every few days up until the new year – I will be sending you a HOW TO for each one of the Guideposts.
- We’ll explore what it takes to show up, be seen and live brave.
- We’ll unpack the barriers to self compassion- the how to’s of letting go of your inner critic
- We’ll learn the difference between striving for excellence and hustling after perfectionism
- We’ll learn how to cultivate joy, laughter, rest and inner peace
That’s it – my gift for you this holiday.
It’s time to let go of the old and ring in the new.
All that’s left is for you to say yes get started!:
Cynthia, I’m In. Let’s do this!
…..but WAIT there’s more! LOL
As an added bonus… I’ve done your holiday shopping for you as well.
You can give the gift of a whole new way to begin the New Year to a friend or family member without spending a dime.
I’ve arranged it so you can send them a digital bundle of my most powerful resources along with an invite for them to join you on the journey to whole-hearted living.
This experience is SO much better than a holiday sweater or a new gadget!
It’s an opportunity to explore, a whole new way to live life!
Give this gift to yourself and someone you love MOST! The world will be a better place for it.
Click here to join the journey and share the gift bundle »
What does it feel like when a Dream Comes True?
Last Sunday as I lay in Shivasana in the barn at Willow Pond Lodge on Whidbey Island looking out at the blue sky and cherry blossomed treetops, I was overcome with a wash of gratitude so deep it made my toes tingle. It was the third and final day of my first Living Brave Island Retreat.
Leading a group of women through the work of Brené Brown and her Daring Greatly™ and Rising Strong™ curriculum was the culmination of 5 years of hard work, multiple trainings, lots of practice, detailed planning and a boatload of hopeful dreaming. And my vision of leading a weekend retreat was unfolding in the most lovely, perfectly- imperfect and inspiring way that I felt awed and thrilled and deeply centered and overwhelmingly grateful at the same time.
This Brave group of women came to the Island to learn about what it means to live an authentic and whole-hearted life, one where they could go after their dreams and goals and still stay true to their values and integrity. A life where they could turn their disappointments and failures into fodder for growth and a recipe for new beginnings.
They shared their stories with one another in such vulnerable and compassionately tender ways. It humbled me and broke my heart open.

Discover More