As the year comes to a close, we all pause to reflect on all we have experienced and the places we have grown, the people we have encountered, the loves and losses, and the accomplishments of our year. I just finished reading Anne Lamott’s latest book, Help, Thanks, Wow! and it pretty much sums up my year so far! How about You?
I lost my Dad this year, a couple very dear to me were killed in a car crash in Peru, and a client I worked with lost his battle with depression. Those experiences of facing death and it’s ramifications left an indelible mark on my soul.
I will be forever changed by those lives and those losses. They left me stunned, aware of my own helplessness, fear and vulnerability. They also left me poignantly aware of the beauty of life, the gift of our days, our children, our families , our freedoms and our choices.
Facing death makes life more dear, relationships more precious, time more valuable and puts your priorities in order in a hurry.
For me I have become less afraid to try new things, to be bold in my imaginings and dreams and to get on with my plans for the future. I signed up for a workshop that had been on my mind, expanded my business, opened a new office and ordered about 25 books I had been meaning to read. I started saying what was on my mind more openly and with more compassion. I made a decision to let go of a grudge. I am letting go of a few relationships that were not supportive of me or my process. I found a new doctor and started a new health regime. I committed to meditating every day and worshiping once a week.
I am looking forward to the future with a newfound appreciation.
Endings of all types allow us to take stock of our lives and begin again. To examine our choices, to figure out where we are stuck and what the barriers are to moving forward.
Where are you headed in 2013 and what are you looking forward to in the New Year? What has been keeping you stuck and what are you doing to move forward?
Share your experiences here with us and let’s see if together we can begin to move into the future we have been dreaming about.
Wishing You a Year Full of new adventures, a few bold new dreams and a grateful heart for the ability to embrace them!
With a new look to the future!